Summer Place East Village Property Owners Association
Paint colors
Regent (Brown) Homes - Summer Village Driveand Gingerview Lane: Sherwin-Williams paint mixratios this is the link.
Siding and garage:
Summer Place Dark Brown - Sherwin Williams Exterior Duration Latex SatinFront doors:
Summer Place Dark Brown - Sherwin Williams Exterior Duration Latex Satin OR
Stained wood OR
Sherwin Williams Duration Satin Latex Super White OR
Benjamin Moore HC-156 Van Deusen Blue OR
Benjamin Moore 2080-10 Raspberry Truffle OR
Sherwin Williams Duration Satin Latex SuperTrim, deck rails:
Sherwin Williams Duration Satin Latex Super White
Gatehouse (Green) Homes - Mockingbird Court:
Sherwin-Williams paint mix ratios this is the link.
Sherman Williams Woodscapes Solid Acrylic Stain (Light Greenish-Gray): Garage doors and trim:Sherman Williams WoodScapes Exterior AcrylicSolid Stain Extra WhiteFront doors:Ruby Lips 434-7, Pittsburg Paints OR
Wood tone doors stained in a Mahogany color OR
Sherwin Williams 6858 Tricorn Black Satin
Deck rails:
Natural color
Regent (Brown) homes - Summer Village Drive and Gingerview Lane - The wall lanterns listed in the document are smaller and can be used on the homes in the insides of the quads. End unit homeowners can use larger lanternsQuiozel part number: NY8318Z Medici Bronze (22 1/2 H, 12 1/2 W, 11 1/2 Ext) or Quoizel part number: NY8317ZMedici Bronze (20 H, 11 W, 10 Ext) - see pictures.
Gatehouse (Green) homes - Mockingbird Court - see pictures.